
inhouse BWTS and Scrubber held in Jakarta

PT AWEIDHIA successfully conducted their 2nd inhouse Scrubber & Ballast Water Treatment Training seminar at the Grand Mercure Kemoyaran, Jakarta 22nd to 24th Sept’19.

Sponsored by our Principals Messrs Oldendorff Carriers GmBH, this 2-day intensive training seminar covering the 2 critical and relatively new and uncharted maritime issues of Ballast Water Management and Scrubber Operation, was indeed a success. 

With Special Trainers directly from the system manufacturers, Senior Marine Officers & Engineers from Ukraine, Croatia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, Vietnam & Indonesians were lodged at the Grand Mercure in Kemayoran to participate in the training and team-building.

Aweidhia is proud to say this was the second such seminar held in 2019 for these subjects for which they were entrusted and both seminars were brought to a successful achievement.

Aweidhia appreciates the trust placed in us by our Principals Oldendorff Carriers for these events and we look forward to even more challenges.


